Milan Radovanović is an research associate at the Faculty of Technical Sciences (FTS), University of Novi Sad (UNS), Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia. Currently, he is PhD student at FTS-UNS and member of the Group for nano and flexible electronics. The main focus of his research are wireless sensors for measuring moisture in different building materials.
He was an exhibitor of printed/flexible/organic devices in 2 Lopec fairs in Munich, Germany. He is an author or co-author of 24 scientific papers including 7 articles in leading international peer-reviewed journals (with impact factors) and 1 patent. He was awarded "Dr Vladan Desnica" to the Best gradute/master-graduate work in 2006. in the field modeling, simulation and design of electronic circuits, in Novi Sad 26.12.2006., FTS-UNS. Also, the winner of the GOLD MEDAL on the International symposium of patents and innovation technologies “ARCHIMEDES’2011“, Moscow, Russia, April 2011, for the innovation of the sensor for measuring water content in building materials.
He is a member of the team from the FTN-UNS in several international (FP6, FP7, H2020, EUREKA, TEMPUS, ERASMUS+, Bilateral) projects and national projects.